Lykke coins and shares

The share capital in the amount of CHF 197,139.13 is divided into 19,713,913,000 fully-paid registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 0.01 per share.

The shares are registered on blockchain. Each registered share of Lykke Corp corresponds to 100 Lykke coins.

Information disclosure

Company Register

View on Powernet

Independent Auditor Report on the Financial Statements (2017)


Annual Report (2017)

Download·Voting Results

Annual Report (2015)


LKK Whitepaper


LKK2Y Whitepaper


Annual Report (2018)


Lykke Corp Placement Memorandum


Independent Auditor Report on the Financial Statements (2016)


Annual Report (2016)

Download·Voting results

Investor Deck


Lykke Corp Equity Register on Blockchain

View in BlockChainExplorer

Independent Auditor Report on the Financial Statements (2018)


Lykke Feeds

Investors about Lykke

Lykke is based on a great idea and it starts to be a giant movement that will trigger a lot of very important changes in the financial industry.

Philipp Netzer

Lykke angel investor

Lykke will change the world of finance. This company has everything to make it happen!

Alexander Spuller

Lykke angel investor and board member

As an angel investor, I like to see companies that can focus and create a satisfying customer experience while planning to go big and build on each success. That’s exactly what is happening at Lykke - that rare combination of talent, ambition, and a team that works well together. It’s a pleasure to watch.

Heinrich Zetlmayer

Lykke angel investor and board member

The Lykke project is huge and visionary. They are going to create much more than a currency exchange. You’ll be able to exchange land, cars, fractional ownership of anything, stock, bonds, art, tickets - all kinds of things. If it’s digital and it holds or represents value, you’ll be able to trade it on your Lykke wallet. Think of it as a combination of Google and eBay for digital values.

Ralph Zurkinden

Lykke angel investor

Imagine being part of the Netscape team in the early 90’s. This is what Lykke is about these days - the next wave.

Michael Hobmeier

Lykke angel investor